Research & Development

Member of Commission to Insects of European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP).
2023 – 2026
The commercial insect sector is relatively new and the sector is facing with many research questions for further innovation of the insect chain. The Study Commission on Insects addresses all questions in the area of biomass as substrate for insect rearing, nutritional requirements of insects, insect production, ethical aspects, processing methods of insect products, feeding value of insects (products) in animal feed, functional properties of insect products in animal feed, market applications, regulatory issues, consumer acceptance, environmental and socio-economic sustainability. Frequent joint sessions will be organized with other Study Commissions addressing different disciplines, such as animal genetics, physiology, nutrition, animal health and welfare.

Member of COST Action CA22140
2023 – 2027
The Insect-IMP Action aims to connect researchers from various fields of genetics, entomology and veterinary sciences, both with each other and with other stakeholders across the entire farmed insects sector. The Action will focus on knowledge transfer between various insect species, as well as from other animal breeding and genetics sectors to allow for economic and research gains in insect farming and beekeeping. The collaboration within the Action will enable a more sustainable growth in the insect farming sector, progress European research capacity by laying the foundation for long-term collaboration within both research and industry across borders, and support educated decisions on insect breeding regulations.

Member of GIANT LEAPS Stakeholder Board
2022 – 2026
Gap resolutIon in sAfety, NuTritional, alLergenicity and Environmental assessments to promote Alternative Protein utilization and the dietary Shift
Accelerating the transition from animal-based to alternative dietary proteins – the dietary shift – is key to reducing the footprint of our food system in terms of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), energy, water and land use, and other relevant environmental impacts, and for improving the health and well-being of people, animals and the planet. GIANT LEAPS delivers the strategic innovations, methodologies, and open-access datasets to speed up this dietary shift, in line with the Farm-to-Fork strategy and contributing to the Green Deal target of reaching climate neutrality by 2050.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101059632.

Development of Vacuum Rotary Dryer-Mill
2023 – 2024
During the project, it is planned to create a global level innovation vacuum rotary dryer – mill that will have the following features: during rotation, products in vacuum are heated, being dried and milled.
The project is financed with the funds of the New Generation Lithuania Plan for Economic Revitalization and Resilience.

Member of SUSINCHAIN Stakeholder platform
2019 – 2023
SUStainable INsect CHAIN
SUSINCHAIN aims to contribute to novel protein provision for feed and food in Europe by overcoming the remaining barriers for increasing the economic viability of the insect value chain and opening markets by combining forces in a comprehensive multi-actor consortium.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 861976.

Development and digitization of rearing and breeding technology for House crickets (Acheta Domesticus)
2021 – 2022
In cooperation with entomologists, constructors, designers, IT engineers and designers, to create a technology for raising domestic crickets that would optimize work efficiency, costs, and reduce risk factors.
The project is co-financed of the Structural Funds Of The European Union